Value to hospitals
- Aids in regulatory compliance
- Helps with CDC, JCAHO and AORN regulatory compliance
- Helps Reduce Hospital Acquired Infections(HAI)
- HAIs have been proven to be reduced by cleaning your IV port
- Anestand makes cleaning your port easy
- Prevention of one HAI easily justifies the Anestand Cost
- Helps anesthesia technicians stretched too thin
- Patient Safety benefits
- Hygienic – Keeps supplies off your patient’s chest!
- Isolates your medication line in the setting of a patient with several lines
- In rapid sequence intubation succinylcholine and other medications remain immediately available as is your IV port.
- This is a reusable device which makes it environmentally responsible.
Benefits to providers
- Creates a more ergonomic workspace for providers
- Helps with efficiency and organization
- Keeps suction tubing and supplies from falling to ground
- Familiar workspace wherever you go in hospital
- Moves easily everywhere you work