Anestand was developed by anesthesiologists who knew there must be a better way.
Anestand was developed by anesthesiologists who knew there must be a better way.
No one knows the challenges that anesthesiology professionals like you face every day better than an anesthesiologist. Like you, the creators of Anestand spent years grappling with precariously placing instruments on armboards, or in pockets, or on the patient’s own chest.
All due to the severe lack of space dedicated solely for anesthesia professionals.
Recognizing the problem was the easy part. The solution — creating a dedicated space for anesthesiology professionals to securely, conveniently and safely keep all their instruments, medication, IV and other vital elements — required years of development, the assistance of highly qualified engineers and design technicians, countless prototypes and testing all to assure patient safety and its ability to withstand the rigors of hospital cleaning.
It all was worth the effort. Anestand has developed into a versatile workspace for every anesthetizing location. Its portable, adaptable, hygienic and easy to use which will become a standard piece of anesthetizing equipment.
Anestand is fully registered and compliant with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Designed, developed, and manufactured in the U.S.
Anestand stands up for anesthesia providers everywhere.